Friday 2 November 2012


We spent the day getting re-acquainted with Palmerston north.  It is 35 years since we lived here for 12 months, so a lot has changed. After a hearty breakfast with Brian and Helen in their lovely house that they moved into ten years ago, Brian invited us to go with him to the Chaplaincy at Massey University for a discussion on the Christian book "Caring For Creation".

 Malcolm accepted the offer and Lyn offered to go with Helen to a campus coffee shop.  On the way to the Uni they took us along walking tracks through the bush.

 After the discussion group Brian went off to a Science lecture elsewhere while us three walked into town to see the changes.  We spent some time in the big, new shopping mall which looked the same as the ones we saw in Europe and Asia.  We then walked around the town square

 and as we passed the Art Centre we found this interesting statue. Lyn found a metal stick insect on the strut.  The sparrow is not real.

Robyn and Philip should recognise this place.

 Helen led us via more walking tracks about 4 kilometers back to her place at 5pm.  After a rest needed from the all day walking we went to the Rendezvous Restaurant at the local hotel.  Helen shouted us a beautiful meal, but she had to go back as soon as we came home because they had charged her for the wrong bill.
During the day we had caught up on news of families and friends. 

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