Thursday 6 September 2012


This leg of the trip was to involve over 3000 kilometers and 48 hours of running time.  We passed the third biggest city in Russia (Novobisirsk) in the middle of the night, while we were still catching up on sleep.  At lunchtime  a lady from the restaurant car came into our car and showed us in English  a description of a Russian meal of soup, stew and salad.  We ordered one of these to share and it was very good.  It cost 300 roubles which is AUD10. They make the most amazing borsch soup here.  At 3.30 PM we stopped at a station for train maintenance.  The emptied the toilets, filled the water, and checked the suspension.  Women were selling apples, citrus fruit, waffles, home made dumplings, smoked fish,  ice creams, drinks.

It was very busy. We enjoyed the chance to get out and go for a walk.  We bought 2 waffles which were OK. We passed an old steam locomotive. We have not seen many in Russia.

 Went to bed at 9PM because we would be getting off at Irkutsk very early tomorrow.  Set the alarm for 4AM. 

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