Monday 8 October 2012


After sending two emails and trying several ways to phone the CMA agent we finally caught him on his mobile.  The key seems to be putting + in front of the number.  He told us the Salzburg would dock at 2200 tomorrow.  He would provide a driver to pick us up at 1500 tomorrow to get us through immigration.  He would confirm that after talking to the driver.  We wandered around the shops, taking our last opportunity to buy some Korean goods and when we got back he rang us on the hotel phone and arranged to pick us up at 1900, drop us back at the hotel and call for us at 0700 on Wednesday. The ship is scheduled to depart at 0900 so it is only here for 11 hours.  We explained that we had no hotel booked for Tuesday night, so he agreed to get us on the ship as soon as it docked.
All we have to do is fill in our time until 7pm tomorrow.

We are spending quite a lot of time watching TV with Chinese, Japanese and Korean soap operas.  If you flick through all the 30 channels you are guaranteed to find at least two with people weeping, usually in the Korean ones.  They are very emotional. 

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