Friday 11 May 2012


When you travel by freighter you have to have a flexible schedule.  At breakfast
the captain told us h had been instructed not to go to Tilbury but proceed
directly to Rotterdam.  This was good for Pierre as he was booked for Rotterdam
anyway and would save a day.  Ian and Chris decided to forget Engand and
cycle directly to France where they were to begin their planned ride. We had
not brought euros with us and would have to catch a ferry or trainback to
The captain also handed us an email from Hamish,  our agent, telling us that
the ship he booked us on from Korea to Auckland in September has been sold
and offered us one from Hong Kong on Sept 23.  That was unsuitable to us.
It is quite cold on the outside today so Alin put the aircon up to 24 degrees
and we are finding it uncomfortably hot. The swell has dropped and it is sunny
with nice blue skies.

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