Wednesday 6 June 2012


We had breakfast at the Costa Cafe in the Carlisle town square where the locals had celebrated the Jubilee in front of a huge Screen relaying the concert from London.  The screen was already gone and the square cleaned up by 8am.  We bought a rover ticket on the bus to Newcastle which allowed us to hop on and off three times to see different sections of Hadrian's Wall.  We saw many interesting displays in the museums and we were entertained by a speaker who demonstrated how the first water driven clock from 250 BC operated. We got on the train at Newcastle but as it was crowded Lyn and Malcolm went to the first class carriage where we were given sandwiches, slices and drinks in comfort, while Cathy and John paid 75 pounds for the one hour trip and had to sit next to a smelly toilet.  When we got back to York, C & J insisted we go ro Betty's Cafe for dinner.  It was Jubilee Public Holiday so there was still a small queue at 7pm but the experience was worth waiting for. It was a really special meal.


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