Thursday 21 June 2012


Bad weather predicted for this afternoon so we got up at 5am and were driven by Dave Reid to Glen Doll for the bushwalk we had been looking forward to for the last 6 months.  We started by walking along a vehicle track through a plantation forest of pine trees next to the South Esk river.

After an hour of walking we emerged to an amphitheatre with a beautiful waterfall at the other end.  This was Corrie Fee and it was as beautiful as any scene we had ever encountered.

There were mountains on either side of us:

The corrie was the result of a glacier pushing through the valley and there were large rocks lying around left by the ice.  We felt very small in comparison with the valley and very ephemeral compared to the time it had taken to carve out this masterpiece.  We followed the track next to the "burn" up the hill till we came to the main waterfall where we had our brunch.

On the way back it started to rain as predicted but we did not get very wet. Dave found a frog in the grass and we saw many black slugs:

Back at the Visitors Center we were entertained by a pair of chaffinches:

We drove back via Arbroath where we went to the Lighthouse Museum where the story of the building of the Belltower lighthouse in about 1800 by Robert Stevenson was presented.  It is 12 miles off the local coast.  It was featured in a TV Series a few years ago.  Said goodbye to Dave till we see him in Oz.

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